The Battle of the Multiverse, a groundbreaking Capture the Flag (CTF) competition, was proudly hosted by the Cybersecurity Club of LNBTI in partnership with HashX and TechTalk360 on October 26th, 2024. This national-level event was dedicated to empowering undergraduate students across Sri Lanka, challenging them to push their cybersecurity skills to new heights.
The competition spanned multiple categories—Web, Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, Malware Analysis, Digital Forensics, and FullPwn—each crafted to test participants’ technical prowess and problem-solving abilities. Anticipation for the event was high, with organizers promoting the competition as an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge, resilience, and teamwork on a national stage.
HashX’s collaboration with TechTalk360 brought an innovative edge to the event, reinforcing the commitment to high-quality cybersecurity education and fostering a supportive environment for emerging talent. With a carefully designed platform, HashX ensured the seamless management of challenges and real-time scoring, setting the stage for participants to fully immerse themselves in the competitive atmosphere.
The hashtag #BattleofMultiverse spread across social media, reflecting the enthusiasm and determination of students and attendees alike. This synergy among the Cybersecurity Club of LNBTI, HashX, and TechTalk360 demonstrated the power of partnerships in shaping a future-ready cybersecurity workforce.
As the event concluded, the impact of the Battle of the Multiverse resonated strongly, leaving a legacy of knowledge-sharing and excellence. The event underscored the importance of collaboration and innovation, highlighting the role of industry leaders like HashX and TechTalk360 in nurturing the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.